Conference fee

Conference fee

Bank transfer
Accountholder: Fundacja PUT (Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Politechniki Poznańskiej)

Account number for payments (in PLN):
PL77 1090 1362 0000 0000 3612 7125


BANK NAME: Santander Bank Polska S.A.

Transfer title:


Example: Magdalena DIERING_MANUFACTURING_123

Upload proof of your payment for author registration via EasyChair system.

MANUFACTURING 2024 conference fee:

Early-bird registration fee, if paid by 02.02.2024 After 02.02.2024 (please note that payment deadline is 15.03.2024)
1 Conference Participations 2400 PLN net / 2952 PLN gross (VAT 23%)
3000 PLN net / 3690 PLN gross (VAT 23%)
2 Presentation of the second/next paper* 600 PLN net / 738 PLN gross
800 PLN net / 984 PLN gross

Net (netto) amount (+VAT 0% – universities /statement needed/; +VAT 23% – companies).

The fee includes*: paper publication (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer), conference program and accompanying materials, on-site admission to all sessions, coffee breaks and refreshments, lunches and gala dinner, participation in social program.

The fee must be paid by bank transfer. Conference fee does not cover accommodation cost and the fees do not include payment / bank costs (cost of transfer, currency exchange, etc.).

*Please note that one person can be the author / co-author of the max. 3 papers.