The aim of the MANUFACTURING conference is to review the state of knowledge, present the results of scientific work, implementations and innovations, as well as to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of experience in the field of design and machines building, manufacturing technologies, metrology, rapid prototyping and virtual reality as well as management and production management. Additional goals of the MANUFACTURING conference are the integration of the scientific community with the economic environment, enabling the establishment of cooperation with partners from industry and business, as well as with domestic and foreign research and development centers. The conference will be held in a traditional form. There are two options for submission: a) Full Paper submission (oral or poster presentation during the conference, paper publication) b) Extended Abstract submission (oral or poster presentation, without paper publication).
Paper submission deadline:
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering series. They will be submitted to, among others, Web of Science, SCOPUS and Google Scholar.
Authors of the selected (by the program committee) papers will be invited to submit extended contributions to selected journals (subject to further review and extra journal apc /article processing charge/):
MPER: Management and Production Engineering Review (PL: 70 points) ISSN 2082-1344